“ Samsung has a brilliant response to Apple’s hated ‘Crush’ ad. “

↓ Watch the case study below ↓

A global VIRAL sensation.
taking over the world in just 24 hours.

On May 7, 2024, Apple launched its “Crush” ad—depicting beloved creative tools being destroyed for a thinner iPad. It became their biggest blunder in years.

Samsung took the moment and flipped the script, picking up right where the Apple ad left off. We drafted up a script on a Friday, shot over the weekend, and got our response live less than a week after the iPad ad debuted.

In just 24 hours, the film spread across the globe, igniting a worldwide conversation and making people rethink Apple—while seeing Samsung as the true champion of creativity.

results to prove that Creativity CANNOT be crushed.

↓ Watch the original response film posted on X by Samsung ↓